Milk Shake
I use a magic bullet blender, I feel almost to the Phil line with the type of milk of your choice I use whole milk. Then I add four heaping measured spoonfuls that Ryze provides. I had 4 to 6 ice cubes, then I add honey. You can say I add to taste. I start small blend, take a sip, then add more honey if I want it. Keep in mind it’s always easier to add honey than try and take it out if you put too much in. After a couple you’ll know how much to put in. Once all blended I like to put it in my favorite cup which is about 30 ounces. It makes a great snack, it helps calm me down after a long day, it helps relieve some issues with inflammation if taken regularly. Sometimes I will add if I have it available a squirt of whipped cream and some cinnamon or chopped hazel nut.